
改造前 vs 改造后:小型浴室改造

After the tiny bathroom makeover, featuring the oval washbasin from the VariForm bathroom series and oak-wood-look furniture (© Meja Hynynen)
Before picture of the small bathroom with mirror cabinet and washbasin (© Meja Hynynen)


室内设计师Meja Hynynen接受到了这份委托,在这个项目中,他需要以一种仍然适合20世纪50年代建造的公寓楼时代的方式重新设计浴室。


该项目选择了 吉博力iCon浴室系列,带缓降功能的座便盖的壁挂式座便器 和橡木外观的浴室家具。吉博力VariForm浴室系列的椭圆形洗脸盆也运用其中,与座便器的形状相匹配。


改造前 vs 改造后:小型浴室淋浴装修

淋浴和设计作品:各种 淋浴解决方案 使其成为可能,即使只有几平方米。图为两平方米的芬兰浴室,其中一间狭窄的房间被一个笨重的淋浴间占据。


The before picture, with a view of the shower cubicle and floor-standing WC (© Meja Hynynen)
The after picture of the small bathroom, with a wall-hung Geberit WC from the iCon bathroom series (© Meja Hynynen)

Before and after: bathroom with roof pitch

The conditions were similarly challenging in Trine Rasmussen's holiday home in Blåvand, Denmark. The goal was to split an old bathroom with sauna and roof pitch into two separate bathrooms.

Optimising the space was the main focus. A WC, washbasin and shower cubicle were being installed in the three-square-metre bathroom with sloping walls.

A sauna with a pitched roof (© @triner2 and @strandparken3)
Original bathroom with floor-standing WC, white tiles and wooden bathroom furniture (© @triner2 and @strandparken3)

Making a small bathroom feel big

Geberit products proved to be the optimal solution in the tight space. The Rimfree wall-hung WC from the Geberit Acanto bathroom series and Geberit VariForm bathroom furniture with round washbasin make the small bathroom with a pitched roof feel light and open.

Inspired by the Geberit Bathroom Magazine, Trine Rasmussen also opted for a large mirror from the Geberit Xeno² series with integrated lighting. “It's a good tip to make a room look bigger,“ she explains.

Small bathroom renovation: the most important considerations

Geberit solutions for tiny bathrooms

Thanks to innovative Geberit products, which can be installed behind the wall, even tiny bathrooms can be optimised. It is worth taking a look at the comprehensive product range.

Space-saving washbasins

Geberit offers a variety of space-saving washbasins with a projection of 20 to 25 centimetres. These include, for example, washbasins from the following Geberit bathroom series: Xeno², iCon, Smyle and Renova Compact.

Compact showers

Inspiration for a renovation can also be found in the shower solutions from Geberit.
