
想必人人都切身体会过深夜熟睡中被强烈尿意袭扰的感觉。只有起身如厕才能排解内急。昏暗的光源可助您找到卫生间,即使环境黑暗也能指明方向,因为尽管睡眠受到干扰,但您其实还在半梦半醒中。这主要是由于褪黑素的释放 – 褪黑素是一种促进睡眠的激素,负责确保我们的身体在夜间能够自动切换到睡眠模式。
- 强光会干扰人体生物钟,并限制褪黑素生成量。因此,深夜如厕过程中尽量不要开灯 – 若确需如此,请使用带调光功能的夜灯。
- 避免使用产生大量蓝光的光源。这会干扰令人轻松恢复睡眠状态所必需的褪黑素生成,因为蓝光会向人体发出信号,表示夜晚已经结束。
- 选择在卫浴空间中安装带运动传感器的方向灯,因为当人进入卫浴空间时,这些灯会指引通向座便器的路。这些灯光通常暗淡不明,只为确保柔和地照亮待使用的卫浴器具(座便器)。
- A lamp with a dimming function offers an ideal solution for navigating night-time trips to the toilet. It can be mounted in various practical positions around the bathroom. A good example is the Geberit ONE mirror cabinet. The integrated ComfortLight has four lighting scenes that can be individually adjusted as required: bright and invigorating during the day, soft and flattering before bedtime, and subtle and discreet at night for orientation in the dark. This way, we can easily fall back asleep after going to the toilet at night.
- A light for every mood is also available for the WC. The Geberit AquaClean shower toilet features a discreet, automatically activated light. This subtle illumination is bright enough to guide the way at night and is activated by means of a proximity sensor. The light settings include seven different colours and five brightness levels.
- Orientation lights with motion sensors can guide the way to the toilet when entering the bathroom. It is recommended to avoid lighting with strong blue tones, as this interferes with our melatonin production (a sleep-promoting hormone) (see box). Warm light sources that are comparatively pale and weak are better. The actual illumination they create within the bathroom is only minimal, yet it is still bright enough for us to find our way around. This type of subtle LED lighting is provided by products such as the Geberit Monolith Plus sanitary module and the Geberit ONE mirror cabinets. The electric soft-touch buttons on the Geberit Monolith Plus also ensure particularly quiet flush actuation, so you don’t have to worry about disturbing anyone in the middle of the night.
- An intelligent and pioneering light source is cleverly integrated into the flush release. The Geberit actuator plates never fail to impress thanks to this function – not to mention their visual appeal. The Geberit DuoFresh module automatically switches on the LED orientation light at night to guide the way to the toilet. A proximity sensor controls the light and ensures that it switches on and off automatically. The lighting duration and intensity of this light can also be customised and regulated using the app.